PDE and DHS Joint Guidance Sample Tools
The Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Human Services have released sample tools to support educational stability and dual-agency collaboration between LEAs and CCYAs in Pennsylvania.
Best Interest Determination (BID) for Children in Foster Care School Placement Form
County Children and Youth Agency Foster Care Placement Notification Form
PDE and DHS Joint Guidance Resources
The Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Human Services have released resources to support educational stability and dual-agency collaboration between LEAs and CCYAs in Pennsylvania.
School Placement Best Interest Determination (BID) Participants infographic
Sample School Placement Best Interest Determination (BID) Process infographic
County Children and Youth Agency Education Liaison Roles and Responsibilities
Educational Stability for Youth in Foster Care in Pennsylvania Flyer
Ensuring Educational Stability for Foster Care Youth Transportation Plan Guide
School Foster Care Point of Contact (POC) Roles and Responsibilities
Child Trends
Promotes the well-being of all children and youth through applied research that informs public policies, builds the evidence base for what works, and mines data to identify young people who are overlooked or ill served by public systems.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Connects child welfare and related professionals to comprehensive resources to help protect children and strengthen families. Part of their State Statute Series, Educational Supports for Youth in Foster Care provides summaries of state laws and policies about programs that support youth in out-of-home care achieve their education goals.
National Comprehensive Center Supporting Students in Foster Care
The National Comprehensive Center works with state education agencies (SEAs), regional education agencies (REAs), Tribal education agencies (TEAs) local education agencies (LEAs), schools, Regional Comprehensive Centers (Regional Centers), the U.S. Department of Education, and other national partners to enhance the quality of instruction, close achievement gaps, and improve educational outcomes for all students.
Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center (CWRC)
Provides a continuum of services designed to facilitate and sustain positive change in the child welfare system. CWRC’s services include training, transfer of learning, technical assistance, research and evaluation, project management, and organizational development.
Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN)
SWAN includes county children and youth agencies, juvenile court judges, foster and adoptive parents, private adoption agencies, the Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange and many others, all working together on behalf of children who need permanent homes. The SWAN program serves children in the custody of county children and youth agencies. The design of the network is to support the work of county agencies in expediting permanency services.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Devoted to developing a brighter future for millions of children and young people with respect to their educational, economic, social and health outcomes.
The Legal Center for Foster Care and Education (LCFCE)
Grant-funded project of the American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law.
Quick Guide for Meeting the Needs of Students in Foster Care